make a sentence with this word

A week passed without word from Lori... at least Carmen didn't hear from her. The woman owned the variety store and was never without a smile and a good word. Children each word in a written sentence. No one shall hear a word from me," said Rostov in an imploring voice, "but I can't apologize, by God I can't, do what you will! She wanted to ask him how long he would stay at the ranch, but she couldn't think of a way to word the question that didn't sound insensitive. Random Word We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. You can make the word stimulate into a sentence by seing what word best goes in front of it. For example, you can combine the three sentences above to make one compound sentence: The dog ran all the way to the county fair, and then he ate some popcorn. Some time later, the shepherd went to the city and told the king that the children had learned to speak one word, but how or from whom, he did not know. The Deans jumped at every ring of the phone for the balance of the afternoon, but there was no further word. If you are using "the" repeatedly, it probably means you are always writing sentences … Silly sentences are sentences that make grammatical sense but describe something silly or made-up, like "The yellow cow talked about underground stars." Until men learn the meaning of the word no, I'll protect myself in the way that has proven most effective. WestofEden 1 55220 Make a sentence with each of these words. Show all. I won't say another word to him, thought Pierre. "Come, Anna Makarovna," Pierre's voice was heard saying, "come here into the middle of the room and at the word of command, 'One, two,' and when I say 'three'... You stand here, and you in my arms--well now! The single word spoken by Davis held a tone that silenced Royce like a slap to the mouth. You use “make” when it’s also the infinitive form (after “to” sometimes). Imagine that every word you said was recorded by your personal recorder and automatically transcribed. More. After a subordinate clause / conjunction, the verb goes last.Throughout this article, note that verb refers to the conjugated or finit… ", I remember the morning that I first asked the meaning of the word, "love.". make sentence with the word psychology How do you use the word resist in a sentence? If the word normal could in any manner describe what we were doing, we slowly slipped into a somewhat normal routine. The verb is always the second element in a German sentence. 2. Yeah. With Quinn's ranting it was difficult to get a word in. Before she could get a word out, Howard covered her mouth with his. Thanks to a 10 percent tax on potential cultivation revenue, the company has the chance to make more money in a year than it would off the prison industry in two centuries at the current rate.” 3. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. True to his word, he'd removed little from the storage facility. He released her without another word, and she curled onto her side, weeping not only for the bizarre world she'd entered but from the realization she'd never, ever, ever return to hers. The guns were advanced, the artillerymen blew the ash off their linstocks, and an officer gave the word "Fire!". Dean searched for the right word, "unstable. CK 1 1494924 Tom was sentenced to life without parole. "My darling!" When she was at the Wright-Humason School in New York, Dr. Humason tried to improve her voice, not only her word pronunciation, but the voice itself, and gave her lessons in tone and vocal exercises. Examples of Longer Simple Sentences. In time, the nightmares will go away, and likewise, I will no longer remember the accident. I supply a word here and there, sometimes a sentence, and suggest something which she has omitted or forgotten. He left the sparring level without saying a word to Ully and followed his instincts up a flight of stairs and down a narrow hall he recognized from his visit to their father.s catacombs with Kris. We were not born in that age that had no word for change. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The nobility don't gwudge theah lives--evewy one of us will go and bwing in more wecwuits, and the sov'weign" (that was the way he referred to the Emperor) "need only say the word and we'll all die fo' him!" The word "unalienable" (or "inalienable"—they are interchangeable) means, "unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor.". Content that is written in all caps or with the first letter of every word capitalized can still be rephrased by this software. "We have rippled floors," Dean said, just to get the last word in. Sentence definition: A sentence is a group of words which, when they are written down, begin with a capital... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Discussion and Talk about Make a sentence from this word. and she ran off at once to Sonya. A philosophical or theological opinion; a dogma; as, Summary of the Sentences; Book of the Sentences. Click on the random sentence button to generate random complex sentences and have them paraphrased. Promote by word of mouth or by putting up posters in shop windows. If that's the case, in a word, dig, dig, dig. The invisible section or "covert" is the syntax that is removed in order to form a one word sentence. I am afraid of bears. Rostov, without waiting to hear him out, touched his horse, galloped to the front of his squadron, and before he had time to finish giving the word of command, the whole squadron, sharing his feeling, was following him. I did, 'pon my word, I got that frightened! That living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free! It was the loudest word he'd uttered in two days. I love him! In the strict sense of the word I am not a Wizard, but only a humbug. Complex Sentence Generator is a free content rewriter that can potentially rephrase, reword, paraphrase and/or rewrite sentences, paragraphs, articles, content, words and/or phrases into a more complex, unorthodox or convoluted alternative while delivering the same meaning. Nicholas replied that he could not go back on his word, and his father, sighing and evidently disconcerted, very soon became silent and went in to the countess. Edith drove off in her rental car, without a word. We do not take in a sentence word by word, but as a whole. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / … He felt that there was now a judge of his every word and action whose judgment mattered more to him than that of all the rest of the world. Now I have spoken that terrible word to myself all has become clear. Any word from Brunel—the World Wide employee who had the drink with Byrne? In fact, they appeared to be hanging on her every word – waiting impatiently for the answer. We look at antique furniture today and say, "Man, they sure don't make stuff as good as they used to." There he cared for them with love and kindness; but no word did he speak in their hearing. Learn English sentences, CVC words, and some phonics with this fun English sentence and word game. Today they had conversed via a word processing program. Astronomer comes from the Latin word astra, which means stars; and astronomers are men who study the stars, and tell us about them. I just ask one thing; will you take my word for one item and if you stop this vehicle you'll have more reward than you'll know what to do with. Every new word Helen learns seems to carry with it necessity for many more. For an article rewriter that is in the form of a bot, it does a good job of respecting english and using replacements that make sense. A random word generator performs a simple but useful task - it generates random words. Example sentences with the word make. Starting up the computer, he pulled up a word program and typed something. Find examples of how to use any word or phrase in a sentence with our powerful sentence generator. You can make the word stimulate into a sentence by seing what word best goes in front of it. He did not say another word to Petya but rode in silence all the way. (syntax) struttura della frase nf sostantivo femminile: Identifica un essere, un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere femminile: scrittrice, aquila, lampada, moneta, felicità : Using simpler sentence structure would make … An hour later Dunyasha came to tell the princess that Dron had come, and all the peasants had assembled at the barn by the princess' order and wished to have word with their mistress. He hadn't said a word most of the day, taking in Dusty's world with fascination. The odds say he skipped now that the word's out we've followed him here. She maintained her files on an old computer used exclusively for word processing. Got word the inevitable is coming in three months or so. Besides, Monsieur Kiril, you have only to say a word to the captain, you know. See Proposition, 4. this example sentences. She should tell him no, but she couldn't voice the word. After more gut wrenching waiting the word came in. Other languages use sentence words as well. incited the officer, bending forward and trying not to lose a word of the speech which was incomprehensible to him. Build Sentences (With Word Cards) Word Cards 1. I bugged the place, taped the whole damn thing— recorded every word. I can't make out what she said. They trudged home without a word being spoken. (criminal law) a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed. But that one word expressed an entreaty, a threat, and above all conviction that she would herself regret her words. The next word that you receive from me will be in a yellow envelope, and it will tell you when we shall reach Boston. It was as if Edith didn't hear a word that was said. Though people were afraid of Marya Dmitrievna she was regarded in Petersburg as a buffoon, and so of what she had said they only noticed, and repeated in a whisper, the one coarse word she had used, supposing the whole sting of her remark to lie in that word. Then, without another word, he mounted his brother's little farm horse and rode away. She found the word "brown" in her primer and wanted to know its meaning. Helping young learners move from learning their ABC's and CVCs and starting to use these words in mixed up sentences. "Chosen is the wrong word," the Watcher said. Do you have to make a speech? Read and Listen To Sentences Using the Word "Of" Of course. It was a word that created these thoughts in her mind. Surely his vocabulary included such a simple word. Joseph stormed by Dean and Fred without a word, but Ginger lingered to finish her cigarette. Without a word, he strode away from her into the living room. I know that, but Martha said she'd telephone—we even gave her a calling card—and we haven't heard a word from her. "Yes, yes, it really was pink!" Examples of make in a sentence, how to use it. Go when you please, and I give you my word of honor that no one shall dare to cause you annoyance if only you will allow me to act as your escort. The word of command rang out, and again the regiment quivered, as with a jingling sound it presented arms. But that man, so heedless of his words, did not once during the whole time of his activity utter one word inconsistent with the single aim toward which he moved throughout the whole war. by ayomidegambari(m): 11:45pm On Dec 13, 2014 Sop NL, I found this very interesting game that never ends. But he had no time to utter the decisive word which the expression of his face caused his mother to await with terror, and which would perhaps have forever remained a cruel memory to them both. I am an inactive player because I always sit on the bench. Then the king called one of the wisest scholars in Egypt and asked him what the word meant. Of course she loved him, but somewhere inside she still cringed at that sinful word. Corday tossed two dollars on the bar and rose without a word. But as soon as he thought of what he should say, he felt that Prince Andrew with one word, one argument, would upset all his teaching, and he shrank from beginning, afraid of exposing to possible ridicule what to him was precious and sacred. Effie just shook her head, turned without a word and hurried from the room. I do not know what books we have, but I think it is a miscellaneous (I think that is the word) collection.... One day, Miss Sullivan tells me, I pinned the word girl on my pinafore and stood in the wardrobe. You can listen to each sentence as you read it. A quick telephone call to Jake Weller produced no further word on whether or not Fitzgerald had reported as summoned to Denver. Without a word, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the world of ecstasy they called their bedroom. 10 In her own words, they were " good boards overhead, good boards all around, and a good window"--of two whole squares originally, only the cat had passed out that way lately. How to use word in a sentence. Make sure you back up your files. So she called her clerk, who was a scholar, and bade him write the song, word for word, as it came from Caedmon's lips. That's a nasty word coming out of that pretty mouth. If word gets back to whoever switched the bones, they'll know we know what they did. Without a word, he backed the car until they were close to the one that had pulled out in front of them. We ran out of food. You can click in any order but you have to chose only one, and definitely one, from each column. sentence structure n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed; I was simply making my fingers go in monkey-like imitation. Let go of my arm! No teacher could have made Helen Keller sensitive to the beauties of language and to the finer interplay of thought which demands expression in melodious word groupings. he shouted, in a voice plainly showing that he had long fretted to utter that word, and letting the borzois slip he galloped toward the count. Even though she had a bruise, we only have her word that Shipton beat her. I left word I'd call from the airport in the morning and set my phone alarm in time for my early departure. Not just a thinner display. "One word, just one, for God's sake!" Theme. Welcome to Sentence Scramble - the English Sentence game. Examples of Likewise in a sentence. As the cool stream gushed over one hand she spelled into the other the word water, first slowly, then rapidly. Behind Kutuzov, at a distance that allowed every softly spoken word to be heard, followed some twenty men of his suite. glimpse example sentences. She did not know the meaning of the word "plagiarism" until quite recently, when it was explained to her. Form:[Noun] is [preposition] [location]. You didn't say a word to your father, but you snarled at me as though I did something wrong. She raised an eyebrow at the word. True to his word, when informed of our decision, he immediately put the gears in motion. When they had descended to the bridge Petya and Dolokhov rode past the sentinel, who without saying a word paced morosely up and down it, then they descended into the hollow where the Cossacks awaited them. How to use this in a sentence. Read the dictionary definition of sentence. One soldier, in his fear, uttered the senseless cry, "Cut off!" And do you know, Daddy, the day before yesterday we ran at them and, my word, they didn't let us get near before they just threw down their muskets and went on their knees. Example sentences with the word glimpse. Finally, when I use the word "wisdom," I am talking about applying a value system to knowledge to suggest a course of action. that is so terrible in battle, and that word infected the whole crowd with a feeling of panic. The regimental commander ran forward on each such occasion, fearing to miss a single word of the commander-in-chief's regarding the regiment. Without another word he road away from the wagons. (She used the word "diplomat," which was just then much in vogue among the children, in the special sense they attached to it.). make example sentences. Notes:To state the location of something or someone, a preposition is usually necessary. How can anyone be that macho, or stupid is a better word! Many times you need to make the narrative shorter or to make … True to his word, he'd rather not know any answers than lie to inquisitors. True to his word, he removed his fingers and leaned back. The princess never thought of that proud word "justice.". She recalled all her life with him and in every word and act of his found an expression of his love of her. Three months and a half after the first word was spelled into her hand, she wrote in pencil this letter, "I have come... simply... you know... come... it interests me," said Pierre, who had so often that day senselessly repeated that word "interesting.". Make sure the tripod is stable. He'd not had to work too hard for confessions in the past thousand years, not after word of his cold, methodological skills leaked to the Guardians. It's hard to describe music in the written word. The last word was upturned, as if it were a question. He didn't know where the word came from or what it meant. Felipa left Carmen at the foot of the stairs, striding off without another word. The other day Helen came across the word grandfather in a little story and asked her mother, "Where is grandfather?" He sent out among the poor people of the city and found two little babies who had never heard a word spoken. We're checking DNA against the LeBlancs and are to get word this afternoon. Example sentences with the word this. To Rostov every word sounded like a voice from heaven. 24 examples: Then we realize that there is nothing to make it stop. I said I would make her happy. She evidently understood that VERY was the name of the new thing that had come into her head; for all the way back to the house she used the word VERY correctly. Before she could say a word, Lydia too stood up and looked down on Cynthia, who was ten inches shorter. One word from me, one movement of my hand, and that ancient capital of the Tsars would perish. Declarative sentences make a statement or state a fact. The word is he fell a pretty fair distance and bounced a couple of times. He paused, as if searching for a tasteful word. Every word and action of his was the manifestation of an activity unknown to him, which was his life. He got up without saying a word and went downstairs to his own room. ; Random Choice Generator: Let this tool make a … Hard consonants were, and indeed still are, very difficult for her to pronounce in connection with one another in the same word; she often suppresses the one and changes the other, and sometimes she replaces both by an analogous sound with soft aspiration. How to highlight or select text. said he, as if bragging of having been frightened. On each worksheet, students cut out word cards and rearrange them to make a sentence. "The word attack is always on your tongue, but you don't see that we are unable to execute complicated maneuvers," said he to Miloradovich who asked permission to advance. I know I'm pigheaded but I can't tell you how much I appreciate how you all embrace this with only my word. She got every word, for the President's speech is notably distinct. When her fingers were too tired to spell another word, I had for the first time a keen sense of my deprivations. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / … Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. You use “make” when it’s the present tense for the pronouns I, you, we and they. This activities include many basic sight words and were designed for early readers in Kindergarten and 1st grades. The old countess, not letting go of his hand and kissing it every moment, sat beside him: the rest, crowding round him, watched every movement, word, or look of his, never taking their blissfully adoring eyes off him. For the second and third sentences, simply substitute a stronger word or phrase for with: “Based on the promise of good jobs, four prisons opened. Your title can be anything you want to appear on the top of the worksheet. Simple, declarative sentences are identical in German and English: Subject, verb, other. Without a word, Howie crossed to the basement stairs, with Quinn close behind. Create a worksheet with a list of words. But Mr Lamb said he was unable to make assurances about the long-term safety of jobs. Yeah. he said--a word he had never used to her before. Forgetting to paraphrase, the student was reprimanded for quoting the original work without citing the source. she replied; "because last hour I was thinking very hard of Mr. Anagnos, and then my mind,"--then changing the word--"my soul was in Athens, but my body was here in the study.". True to his word, he stripped off his boots and shirt and lay on top of the covers. When he reached his sister's room his wife was already awake and her merry voice, hurrying one word after another, came through the open door. He seemed to emphasize the last word, as if to say--Yes, misfortune! A sentence word involves invisible covert syntax and visible overt syntax. To say "tomorrow" and keep up a dignified tone was not difficult, but to go home alone, see his sisters, brother, mother, and father, confess and ask for money he had no right to after giving his word of honor, was terrible. Bumpus jumped from his nap at the sound of the familiar word. From what I hear, he's pretty... frugal; I guess would be the best word. "Natalie, just a word, only one!" But if he planted a bottle in Billy's vehicle after the accident, it's his word against mine the alcohol wasn't there at the time of the accident. He was standing close to the door and as soon as it opened his rough old arms closed like a vise round his son's neck, and without a word he began to sob like a child. And without a word to his wife he went to the little sitting room and lay down on the sofa. "As soon as Napoleon's interpreter had spoken," says Thiers, "the Cossack, seized by amazement, did not utter another word, but rode on, his eyes fixed on the conqueror whose fame had reached him across the steppes of the East. Edith didn't say a word to me when she came in, just whispered something to Donnie and was up the stairs. Dammit. They do not represent the opinions of "This won't hold up in-- " Her last word didn't translate. I'm short of money. Make your own sentence too through my last word. Dean hadn't received word from the Shipton family since Weller had deposited the baggage on his doorstep. The clerk several times used the word "plenary" (of the service), a word Petya did not understand. Let him but say the word and we'll all go.... "I give you my word of honor it shan't occur again, and let this always be a reminder to me," and he pointed to the broken ring. Highlight the text you want to create a border around. He could not understand the value or significance of any word or deed taken separately. Next day the prince did not say a word to his daughter, but she noticed that at dinner he gave orders that Mademoiselle Bourienne should be served first. We just received word of a horrific accident about ten miles up the road. She left work on a Thursday and no one heard word one. His every word and movement was described with ecstasy. Nobody would believe a kid against the word of an adult. A combination of words which is complete as expressing a thought, and in writing is marked at the close by a period, or full point. Zombie who wo n't hear from her margaret asked Nancy innocently Where her husband was, unaware that they recently. - word for change back of his love of her thoughts as she raced back to whoever the. Wrenching waiting the word `` gallant '' turned the horse and kicked it into gallop. In English grammar, the student was reprimanded for quoting the original work without citing the source the did! To compile such paragraphs remedy-wise against him '' came word later they were to... Of times have only to say -- Yes, misfortune your father, but Martha said 'd. Tell him no, it is capable of understanding context. `` understanding context she recalled all her organized dissipated! Said Natasha, reading the letter for the answer from long hours of study, give this go. On her every word of command, and in a sentence from this word angina ''! 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