selenium interview questions 2019

Selenium was created to guide and inspire automation tests of practical aspects of web-based applications and also a wide range of browsers and platforms. ... July 10th, 2019 Interview Questions. Check out the below code to disable the SSL in Selenium. Every page class has a followup test class where I create tests for related use cases. That’s how you can handle the window based pop. Its release came out in 2011. 3. So, we can also use it to create the extension. Selenium IDE is a trendy Firefox browser extension. This tool supports all the major programming languages, browsers and operating systems. Let’s now see how are they different from each other. Please refer to this TestNG tutorial to learn more about parameters. Single Slash “/” – This is used for creating XPath with absolute path, meaning that an XPath will be build for starting selection from the start/node. Use XPath as an array by appending the square brackets with an index. A hub, in selenium Grid, is a central point or a server controlling the test execution on various machines. List of frequently asked Selenium with Python Interview Questions with answers by Besant Technologies. 1. We can modify the XPath expression to get to the nth element in the following ways: 1. FirefoxDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); We combine the username and password strings using the colon separator and stuff them between the “http://” and the site URL. 2. See below example: TestNG annotations prioritize the calling of a test method over others. Web Driver doesn’t have any built-in reporting ability. Get method makes a page to load or extracts its source or parse the full text. The driver is a variable of type ‘Webdriver’ interface. The code in the below example will capture the image and store it in a file. We can maximize the browser window by calling Selenium’s maximize() method. Double Slash “//” – This is used for creating XPath with relative path, meaning that an XPath will be developed for starting selection from anywhere within the document. These are native APIs that directly interact with the browser. Some of the benefits of automation testing are: Selenium is an open source automated testing suite that is used for web application testing. Selenium WebDriver supports programming languages such as  C#, Python, Java. The framework also had a lib package for utility and some standard wrapper functions over Selenium APIs. Selenium RC had a complex architecture, whereas WebDriver removed those complications. Until 3.0, it was the Selenium community that was supplying Web drivers for specific browsers. In Java, we can use the following method to halt the execution for a specified no. So, I used Java property/POI class to read from the CSV/XLS files. This method is far quicker than starting a browser to carry out test execution. Another difference is if no element is matched, then the findElement() raises NoSuchElementException whereas findElements() returns an empty list. There can be instances when the user comes across elements of the same kind such as images, multiple hyperlinks and the like that are arranged in a systematic manner. Introduction to Selenium Interview Questions and Answers. Selenium provides the clear() function to reset the value inside the text element. They are: An XPath is used for locating the elements. In the internet explorer, it is somewhat trivial to ignore the SSL error. Our main focus is on Selenium TestNG Interview Questions and also we write some Selenium Interview Questions too. Verify: The test execution will not stop or halt even if the verify condition holds true or false. Selenium RC doesn’t provide support for the HtmlUnit browser, whereas the WebDriver has a headless HtmlUnit driver. We can make a case depend on another in TestNG, whereas in JUnit, it’s not possible. Following are the web drivers supported in Selenium. There are various kinds of automation frameworks and they are Keyword-Driven Testing Framework, Data Driven Testing Framework, and Hybrid Testing Framework. The above XPath expression will return the second row of a table. However, there is a slight difference. Most Popular TestNG Interview Questions: In this post, we will see TestNG Interview Questions with Answers. We can use Selenium for automating the following types of cases. This necessitates the need for updated and well-functioning web applications. Selenium RC includes a test result generator to produce HTML reports. So, following are the few selected Selenium interview questions asked in companies that are frequent on every Selenium interviewer’s list, some of which are important too. Selenium provides the getWindowHandles() method, which returns the handles for all open popups. Thanks a lot Arun . Consider the Google search text box, which is an Ajax control. Check the below commands. Handling a window-based pop-up is not straight-forward. Selenium 2.0 a.k.a. It allows you to pass parameters like a property file or a database to a test method. 18194 1 . While using the below function, do supply some timeout value (in seconds) to check the element in a regular interval. The findElement() method returns the first WebElement matching the locator, whereas the findElements() fetches all passing the locator criteria. It provides concurrency. Some of the most popular automation testing tools are Selenium WebDriver, HP QTP/UFT and the like. keep updating,Thanks, Your email address will not be published. The extension has a specific format, as given below. Mention the kinds of WebDriver APIs that are available in Selenium. It’ll manage the connection to the database. Selenium Interview Questions Part-1 on January 12, 2019 Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; Selenium Interview questions mostly asked in MNC’s 1.What is difference between Absolute and Relative Xpath ? We can store them into a  variable and convert it into an array. They give more control and faster than the RC APIs. It is none other than the HTMLUnitDriver, which is faster than all of its counterparts. XPath enables the users in navigating through the attributes and elements an XML document for locating web elements like button, Image, checkbox, and textbox in a web page. Yes, we can run multiple testNG suites in the following manner: We can also run various suites in parallel by using an Ant task. Selenium Java Interview Questions And Answers : That Every QA should Know (Top 51+ Questions) Promode December 29, 2019 December 10, 2019 We are going to learn about the TOP 51+ Selenium Selenium Java Interview Questions and Answers . It is independent of the opening and closing tags required for creating valid XML. Don’t at all miss to invoke the “actions.Perform()” at the end. This is needed particularly when there is are lots of regression test cases. We hope these Selenium interview questions and answers are useful and will help you to get the best job in the networking industry. There are various types of automation frameworks. Selenium interview questions are useful to attend job interviews and get shortlisted for job position. A Firefox extension to record and play the user actions performed on a web page. Selenium TestNG Quiz. This is used for creating XPath with relative path, meaning that an XPath will be developed for starting selection from anywhere within the document. This is the frequently asked Java Testing Interview Questions asked in an interview. List elementList = driver.findElements(By.xpath(“//div[@id=’example’]//ul//li”)); 33.What are the different ways of handling web based pop-ups? First of all, both these terms belong to the Page Object Model (POM), a design pattern in Selenium. The parallelization of test cases is another crucial feature of TestNG. Implicit Wait: It is a wait timeout which applies to a Webdriver instance. Do you have any experience creating your own framework? So, a total of six different browsers (FF & IE) could run in parallel. We can use Selenium to write automation scripts for testing web applications. All Rights Reserved. This is needed particularly when there is are lots of regression test cases. In this article, I have compiled the most frequently asked Selenium interview questions which can help if you are planning to enter into a career in the testing domain. Use the command findElement() for finding the first element in the current webpage that matches to the given locator value. The old methods might slow down the execution due to the API transitioning happening in the background. This has caused Selenium to be increasingly considered as one of the top web testing tools. Although it guarantees to give you the element you are looking after. Hence, it is mandatory to pass the HTTP or HTTPS protocol while calling the web driver’s get() method. # This approach is right too but will work only the Firefox. – This command enables the user to navigate to the next page with reference to the web browser’s history, – This command does not need any parameters and takes the user back to the previous webpage in the web browser’s history, – With this command, users can launch a new browser window and navigate to the given URL, – This command enables the users in refreshing the current web page there through reloading all the web browser elements. The goal is to identify and automate appropriate tests that reflect the behavior sought by the principal stakeholders. During such circumstances, users can use one kind of code to deal with such elements and this can be accomplished with the help of WebElement list. Here, we have covered all elementary, intermediate, and advanced-level topics and will help to crack any Selenium interview you face. In case the assert condition is true, the program control will perform the next test step and when the asset condition is false, the test execution will halt. When we generally use ALT/SHIFT/CONTROL keys, we hold onto those keys and click other buttons to achieve the special functionality. Required fields are marked *, 212, Palm Avenue, Green Glen Layout, Selenium Interview Questions and Answer 2019 Selenium is one of the most used automated test packages. As you might already know, Manual testing consumes too much time and also tends to get tedious and filled with errors. The main reason for this is because Selenium is an open source tool, which means that it is easy to adopt. This command identifies the element through substringing of the link that is given in the parenthesis and thereby the command partialLinkText() identifies the web element with the given substring and  clicks on it then. of cases distributed in two groups, namely the Sanity and Regression. Selenium provides the “” method. Selenium is free to download and use and also open source. This necessitates the need for updated and well-functioning web applications. Selenium Grid Extras is a set of management scripts to manage nodes more efficiently. They require input from the external data source. This ability to parallelize the testing is what makes us use the Selenium Grid. In case you are searching for Selenium with Python Interview Questions and Answers, then you are at the correct place. The Log4J library provided the necessary support for tracing in our project. It is superior to 2.0 because it implemented the W3C specifications for Webdriver APIs to make them a global standard. 2. It is an innovative TestNG feature that didn’t exist in the JUnit. Here is the syntax to access the nth attribute using the CSS selector. @AfterSuite – to run only once after all tests. There are many benefits of using Selenium for automated testing. The two most frequently used practices for automation are as follows: TDD a.k.a. About myself and the project? Selenium was created to guide and... Data driven testing - Get value from excel in selenium . Here are a few Selenium tutorials which you must go through at least once. Edge) | InternetExplorerDriver() | IE, Google Chrome Driver | ChromeDriver() | Chrome, HTML Unit Driver | WebClient() | {Chrome, FF, IE}, OperaChromium Driver | ChromeDriver() | Opera, Android Driver, AndroidDriver() | Android browser, EventFiringWebDriver | EventFiringWebDriver() | ALL. Page Object is a class in POM corresponding to a web page. Please make sure to download the Selenium-server jar before running the below command. The SSL may not have configured appropriately at the server end. It has a getConnection() method that we need to call. How can you identify more than one web element in the list? This has given rise to the need to automate testing and in turn, to the increased need for Selenium automation testers.So, why Selenium and not any other automation testing tool? Remote Control came out in early 2004. 22. 50 Selenium WebDriver Interview Questions : – Ask These Yourself Before Attending Interview Posted on: March 8, 2019 Last updated on: March 8, 2019 Comments: 11 Categorized in: Selenium Topics Written by: Amod Mahajan Since it’s relatively a less talked topic, so we tried hard to come up with the most relevant questions. It presents us with the ability to execute test cases in different browsers. Selenium Grid is a tool that is used along with Selenium RC for running multiple tests on various machines against various browsers and operating systems at the same time. XPath supports the contains() method. 14. Use the Robot class (Java-based) utility to simulate the keyboard and mouse actions. Top 90 Selenium Interview Questions & Answers; Usage of Cucumber Options which we use in TestRunner File; What are the Challenges you faced in Selenium? Also, Read About “ Selenium Automation Using Java on LambdaTest Platform “ After that, we can split and take the values one by one. In Selenium Webdriver, the following three types of wait mechanisms are available. Using this, we can configure to run thousands of test cases concurrently on separate devices or browsers. For example, if we have a no. Please add the below line of code and safely skip the SSL issue. 27. Shinya Kasatani was the developer who created the Selenium IDE. For this, we’ll make a Connection Object. This has caused Selenium to be increasingly considered as one of the top web testing tools. It keeps the objects and the handler functions. All rights reserved, The Swirl logo™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. Read 120 more Selenium Interview Questions. Sometimes, an image than a trace log can help us identify the right reason for an error. TestNG doesn’t enforce a class to extend. There could be multiple nodes that we can bind to a Selenium Grid. 18) Why use Cucumber with Selenium? However, we can also achieve the same effect by calling the click() method. But now, they provide their respective drivers that support the standard Web driver API interface. This is the most common cucumber interview questions. We can call the text() method. Selenium is an automation development kit that comprises the following components. After capturing a workflow, we can also export the steps in various formats. 15. Check out 200+ most relevant and recently updated list of Selenium interview questions and answers. This tool supports all the major programming languages, browsers and operating systems. @AfterTest – to run after any test method inside the “Test” tag. Such an XPath expression includes the single forward-slash (/) as the prefix. In KDF, there happens to be a table of keywords. To put it a little more clearly, it helps to simultaneously distribute the user’s text execution on multiple environments and platforms. What do you understand by Automation Testing? If they are not available, then go for a CSS selector as it is faster than the XPath. Explicit Wait: It is an exclusive timeout method that works by adding code to delay the execution until a specific condition arises. Selenium provides Enum Key macros to simulate the enter action. Assert: In case the assert condition is true, the program control will perform the next test step and when the asset condition is false, the test execution will halt. Copyright SpringPeople. It employs a simple HTTP request-response mechanism for test case execution. There are eight kinds of locators that are available in Selenium WebDriver. Test-Driven Development (TDD) introduced in 2003, Behavior Driven Development (BDD) got first heard in 2009, Flexible in the programming language selection, Allow test case creation and modification, Generate test metrics such as test vs. code coverage. Selenium is open source tool that is used to automate the tests that are carried out on web browsers. Selenium is a popular automation testing tool frequently used by developers for testing web applications.Mostly, the selenium Interview Questions tool is popular for browser-based applications not for API testing or unit testing. The machine we register to a hub represents a node. Some of the ideal responses to the question are: 8. Let’s understand the handling of AJAX with an example. We built the framework with the help of Maven. 1. Java provides the Connection class to initiate a connection with the database. Image or text overlapping issue 2. Reply. It enables the user to record the scripts and also playback it. Check out the below Java code: There can be many reasons for the secured connection error. Posted by SSDN Technologies October 17, 2019 in Selenium. The registration allows the grid to fetch node configuration and execute tests. Top 34 Selenium Interview Questions Of 2019. It recommends to write tests, monitor, and refactor the code on failure. This is where Selenium comes into picture. Selenium WebDriver which is also known as Selenium 2 is a browse automation framework that receives commands and then sends it to a browser. Selenium Grid can have multiple nodes. Users can use iframe(initial frame) to insert some other document inside the current HTML do or even to insert a web page into another web page by permitting nesting. Check the below Selenium timeline. Cucumber and Selenium are two popular technologies. 32. Automation testing refers to the process by which an application or software is tested with the help of an automation testing tool in order to identify the defects. It is the external interface which has only two methods: findElement() and findElements(). # We follow this approach as it can work with any browser instance. Here are some of the problems that testers usually face while doing automation with Selenium. @AfterClass – to run only once after all the test methods of the current class finish execution. What do you know about Selenium Grid? Sometimes we get confused while differentiating between the MaxSessions vs. MaxInstances. Where your source code/project lie and how you integrate with Jenkins? Multi-language support and very easy compatibility with Java. On the contrary, the navigate method tracks the history and can perform operations like refresh, back, and forward. Her writing aims to engage and educate the readers on all things Tech. I used separate packages to host the pages and their test classes. Instead of using the TestNG reporting, we preferred the Extent report. Vibhuthi is a an avid follower of the latest trends in the world of Technology. Q1). What is the key difference between Relative Path and Absolute Path? In this case, the XPath engine searches for the matching element anywhere in the DOM. Lib package for utility and some on another users can use the isElementPresent ( ) and findElement ( for! Followup test class where i create tests for related use cases traverse both forward and backward, the. 2011, and 3.0 in 2016 approach as it is used to automate the tests unit testing frequently on keyboard! Get tedious and filled with errors automated build and execution the main reason for your towards! The features provided by Extras check out the below example: TestNG annotations prioritize the calling a... 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