who killed thor

(Marvel also linked the series to the Marvel Adventures titles, so it showed up on the “next issue” page of those comics.). How easy is it to download a ringtone to your phone? Answered June 5, 2019 In Norse mythology Thor is killed after his battle with the World Serpent, Jormungandr. He had one son, Magni, with his lover, the giant Járnsaxa, and another called Modi. ... Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Chris Evans as Captain America, Jeremy Renner as … Here are 15 heroes who beat the God of Thunder! Fantastic was responsible for cloning Thor. My point is that as publishers of periodicals, Marvel and DC have been having their asses handed to them by sales reps that have done the work to get their magazines on the stands. Sometimes when you are the largest (maybe 2nd largest) publisher of comic books you just print a book because you KNOW its good – regardless of sales. Heimdall: Thanos and his children murder Thor’s best friend Heimdall (Idris Elba) when they invade Thor’s ship. It comes as no surprise then that she can take on Thor. It wasn’t Samnee’s art, it was the fact that he wasn’t drawing Thor at all. In the early days of the Avengers, more specifically “The Avengers” #9, Baron Zemo and his Masters of Evil started getting tired of being periodically beaten by the Avengers. TTMA probably is, especially once the film is closer to release. But before he dies, the Asgardian opens up … Supermarkets and drug stores don’t carry the kids latest video games either. However, it’s rare that he comes across heroes who can physically swat him aside like a fly. Let’s say the spinner rack takes up ten square feet of space on the sales floor. Cmon. It sold like a kids book. In "Silver Surfer" #4, they meet for the first time. You do more books like TTMA, but don’t sell them like orphans and don’t put them up against ten other titles featuring the same character. Or maybe the reader just got confused when he entered the comic book store and saw a dozen Thor titles to choose from? Comics are only sold at Comic Shops and the kids I gave comics to at Halloween (had over 50 kids show up) are interested and would buy them: That said, it’s a great [comic] and may be back again someday.”. RELATED: Thor VS Hulk: 15 Biggest Fights In Comics. It's because that Thor isn't the original Thor. Every issue on the stands had the same price, unless it was an anniversary issue. In Jeph Loeb’s “Hulk,” readers were introduced to the Red Hulk, General Thaddeus Ross. I don’t live near enough to a direct market store to make regular visits. Really? (errrrr…jk) I’ll look out for their future work for sure. Thing is, when kids want something, they find a way to get it. While everyone is concerned about Ultimate Spidey dying and Superman dying and Batman died but now he’s incorporated, and who will die next, here is a very real, very tragic death amongst us: Thor: The Mighty Avenger has been cancelled: Created by Roger Langridge and Chris Samnee, the critically acclaimed all-ages series was announced during April’s Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo as a timeless, accessible take on the classic character. This can become… silly. A book like that will never sell in the DM because it’s not in continuity. This Thor title would have been better as a digest-sized Marvel Age book. Towards the end of Avengers: Infinity War, it is only Thor who comes close to killing Thanos. Even in his weakened state, the Sentry was more than a match for Thor and the rest of the Avengers. He can fire energy blasts capable of destroying planets, heal living organisms from nearly any wound, look into the future and the past, use the Power Cosmic to further increase his strength to unknown levels and… well, the list goes on. Dang. And frankly I’ve stopped looking for Marvel books to buy because I refuse to pay 3.99 for 22 pages of story. The first arc of the reimagining shows how the team, made up of Thor, Captain America, Giant Man, the Wasp, Iron Man, and the Hulk come together as they face off against an alien invasion. poor kitten. My local comics shop (Forbidden Planet) shelves just about every Marvel and DC comic published. “while an interesting character, simply can’t support anywhere near that many concurrent titles”. Thor protests, telling Odin that killing Hela will have disastrous consequences for humanity. It’s great to make kids comics. Despite the decades they’ve had to sort it out, fans of the characters, and the heroes themselves, rarely discover an answer. Just look at the stuff that sells well and learn from it. I’ll go ahead and spell this out for ya, Marvel and DC gave up the world for the direct market. Oh if only there was a way to get comics in grocery stores and Wal-Mart. Here’s a novel idea: Stop trying to drown your audience with books they supposedly HAVE to buy, and start growing more books that people might actually WANT to buy again. Granted, they don’t sell 20 different Batman comics but there are a few. Another "What If?" They have also gotten those magazines on the Scholastic Book Fair a few times. It’s perfectly normal to have no fewer than 5 or 6 “events” launching the same month, all promising NEW DIRECTIONS, BOLD STORYTELLING, taking you PLACES YOU’D NEVER BEEN, showing THINGS YOU’VE NEVER SEEN!!!! I see the first collection is due to ship in December 2010. How many people are savvy enough to handle streaming video from Netflix? Thor: The Mighty Avenger is such a fail of comics sales that even Marvel e-i-c Joe Quesada has to pass the buck: “Sorry about the TMA cancellation, folks. Not in this universe, though. It’s utterly expected. Hie’s a Kiwi, but don’t hold that against him. Bruce Banner isn’t the only Hulk to have faced the thunder god. After a while, it seemed like Walt Simonson’s storyline was running out of steam and I stopped buying it. Heidi MacDonald is an award-winning editor/journalist with 20 years. While he manages to kill him, the poison from the serpents mouth covers Thor killing him. Attacking him, Warlock all but flicks them away. Eventually, with Thor knocking out Havok, the Scarlet Witch digs deep into her power for a spell that launches Thor into the upper atmosphere. Potentially the strongest non-cosmic superhero in any universe, Superman has defeated gods, demigods, aliens, giant robots…the list goes on. If they had done exactly the same stories, but actually used the real characters– you know, the Thor designed by Jack Kirby– it would have sold. They are nice. I had no idea this book existed until a couple weeks ago when Comics Alliance did that round up of the 6 or 7 Thor books on the stands. During her youth, Frigga was raised by witches. Thor and crew having a boys night out and getting in a bar fight with Captain Britain! IMO, there’s a distinction between writing on multiple levels and writing an all-ages story. He sums it up up with one chilling formula: Huge Event x Huge Marketing Push = Huge Sales, Huge Marketing Push / 30 Mini-Events = So-So Sales & Lack Of Event Individuality. I knew Roger Langridge from his excellent work on The Muppet Show comic, so when I saw it on the shelf, I picked it up. 08/10 Mighty Avenger #3 – 12,112 (-15.4%) (Wikipedia has a longer timeline.) An ad in previews and an article on Newsarama or CBR just doesn’t cut it anymore. Those pieces splintered off and possessed five X-Men: Cyclops, Colossus, Emma Frost, Namor and Magick. Diminishing return mega-crossovers, followed by a spate of lame mini-crossovers, alongside an unholy glut of material; a ton of movie-related tie-ins that no reasonable person could wade through, leading to slightly higher-quality books that fans get invested in being canceled; books lost in the shuffle while the popular characters get diluted with 5000 spin-offs, etc. You are competing one on one with a zillion other similarly marketed projects. Now, if that square footage can generate greater profits selling something else, the store will probably replace that spinner rack. It was a Thor-like character that didn’t look much like Thor. ), Not sure what became of that Target line, and what the level of success was. The problem with TTMA has nothing to do with any of the other Thor books out there. What can I say? As the Avengers and the Justice League square off in a massive battle royal, the fight eventually centers on Thor and Superman. People don’t have to be savvy… the websites have to be. is still in the business of publishing periodicals. This is one more sad proof. Thor was killed two days before her 16th birthday. I didn’t consider buying another issue, not because there was anything wrong with TMA, but because I didn’t want to read a kids book. They always want to monetize the comic book first. After beating Captain America, Tigra and Iron Man, Ghost Rider squares off against Thor. I think if you had one out ever month with a consistent look it could catch on. 07/10 Mighty Avenger #1 – 20,076 Along the way, the Hulk is among the first to encounter it. Make a deal with Scholastic and feature it in the book club. Oh well. BTW, I’ve bought all 5 issues and was waiting for a collection to give to my 7-year-old comic book reading granddaughter starving for age-appropriate comics she can’t find at her gaming/DM-centric funnybook store in Dubuque, Iowa. Worse, he was wearing a little trucker’s cap. Are you into animal cruelty or something? I ordered it like a kids book. That is, until Thor throws his hammer. He’s immortal, impervious to most earthly weapons and has trained for millennia in combat. I live in Pennsylvania (suburbs of Philadelphia) and comics are NOT sold in local supermarkets or drug stores. Then the unthinkable happens, Beta Ray Bill picks up the hammer. Thanos also advised the God of Thunder to have gone for his head. I’ve bought them for my daughter. In fact, two of the supermarkets use comic spinner racks and the other supermarket just puts the comics in the kids section of the magazine aisle. Make it accessible. The Hunter Angel shares many of the same attributes of her brother, including incredible strength, speed, durability and a remarkable proficiency with weapons. Schools, libraries, families and in particular KIDS want book format comics to take home and read, they do not gravitate towards monthly comics nor do they generally shop at direct market outlets. I nominate Thor the Mighty Avenger as a lead title for a new all-digital initiative that puts good comics on the web/iApp for people to buy. Nothing surprising here. This is the marketplace Marvel and DC have created over the last six years. Odin, who was prepared to raze the entire Earth to avoid this version of Ragnarok, is devastated by his son's death. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. If I fan find Redneck-Hot=Rod-Kitting-with Archie-Weekly in every drug/convenience/grocery/newstand/Wal-Mart in America then for the love of Forbush I dang well oughta be able to buy a Spider-Man comic! Thor was such a hero. The drug store magazine rack. But you have to get them where I can buy them. So we have once more the giant disconnect between what people SAY they want to see, and what people are actually buying. iTunes and iPods proved this. Even though they clownishly half-ass it whenever they try to gain new readers, Marvel does try it occasionally. Enter Thor. To this day, there are fans who will contest that Thor, with his magic, ought to win a battle against the Man of Steel. But Thor didn't know that. At some point Marvel needs to look at it’s self in the mirror and say, “Dangit, we’re Marvel Comics. We have several sizes to fit every budget. I didn’t buy this series. The comic began with Thor’s reappearance on Earth after a thousand-year absence, enabling the creators to chronicle the thunder god’s first meetings with friends and foes ranging from Jane Foster and Captain Britain to Hank Pym and Mr. Hyde. But they sell to the direct market fanboys and direct market fanboys are pretty limited in taste. I can’t buy Spider-Man anywhere. I want more “Fred the Clown,” but I also want Mr. Landridge to earn that huge Marvel paycheck. As hard as this is to accept, there isn’t anything currently published that’s drawing them into the few shops that do have them available. At Ragnarok , the doom of the gods, he was killed by the poisonous venom of the sea serpent Jormungand , after he had killed it. Reed Richards a.k.a. Also, Port Authority gets plenty of traffic and I know for a fact they sell comics at some of the newsstands. Two of the mightiest superheroes on Earth, their fights often lead to the destruction of entire towns and cities. So they payed to keep it going and it was only shown on Dish. YOU did. Who killed Thor: The Mighty Avenger? One of the most eye-opening revelations at the [email protected] digital conference was most all of the distributors — graphic.ly, iVerse, etc — find their books skew younger than print sales. It’s gotta be between him an Huizenga, right? Thor has traded blows with as many heroes as villains. In a highly controversial fight among fans, the Red Hulk easily defeats Thor, taking the thunder god’s best shots and laughing. Hell, I cannot even tell you where to go to find a non-DM shop with comics within 20 blocks of my office here in Soho. Going from hero to villain and back again in a never-ending loop, it was in “What If…Norman Osborn Won The Siege of Asgard,” that readers got an entirely different ending to Siege. Comics Crowdfunding Round-Up: MOURNING FRANKIE, MIXED and 3 more projects we... Jeremy Adams & Brandon Peterson to take on THE FLASH following... Review: ANYTHING FOR JACKSON is as close to hell as you’ll... INTERVIEW: Jack Thorne on writing Season Two of HIS DARK MATERIALS,... Everybody is kung-fu fighting in new stills from BATMAN: SOUL OF THE DRAGON animated film. In “Hulk” #4, Thor turns up to do battle. Or, alternately, Marvel unknowingly killed it by having so many Thor comics all out at once that no one but the most dedicated could remember (or figure out) which one was which. And the snake continues to swallow its tail and the same arguments happen over and over again. People who order – stores and customers – Marvel product are fed up with the volume of material Marvel dumps on the direct market each month. The two have clashed multiple times, though neither tends to unleash his full power. I have never seen a spinner rack at a grocery store in Brooklyn, Queens, Jersey City, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, or Montpelier. I read the issue pretty quickly, decided that it was aimed primarily at kids — and that was that. The pro-registration Super Heroes were shocked at what Thor did. Oprah, Rachel Ray, Martha Stewart, People, Us and even Archie… they chose the world. But there’s lots of “free” content for those platforms, and stuff which costs money. I live in the world. The thunder god falls quickly, leaving the Void to continue his rampage around the Earth, killing every hero and villain he comes across. But hopefully the fans have a better time now than I did then. At this period in the Ultimate universe, the heroes still have trouble believing Thor is a god, which Loki exploits by using his magic to swell that doubt, leaving the thunder god with little choice but to battle his friends. It wasn’t a good idea. Rarely is a winner decided, as the two are usually evenly matched, but in “The Mighty Thor” #126, Hercules laid down the law. The problem with selling this book is sandwiching it between all those other Thor one-shots and mini-series. Funny enough, I didn’t even know it was an ongoing title until it was canceled. In earlier Scandinavian versions of the myth, Thor successfully captures and kills the serpent by striking it on the head. That’s 10 billion songs in seven years. It’s the new Sisyphus. In fact, Thor gets beaten numerous times throughout the 12-issue event, unable to stand up to the immense power of the Phoenix. From his renowned Penance Stare to his blasts of hellfire, few heroes or villains have the ability, or nerve, to stand up to the flaming-headed motorcyclist. Though he defeated the serpent, Thor himself died immediately afterwards. I know this is an old thread, but I just saw it and wanted to correct a big misconception being perpetrated here: This Thor book didn’t sell because it was an all-ages/done-in-one book. New stories, new format, possible trade collection. Those spinner racks have been replaced by the tablets and smart phones in your backpacks and pockets. That was the only time I purchase TJOR on a consistant basis. Maybe they could even have their own merchandise stand. Thor then defeats her with relative ease. We have the full and terrible power of Disney. The book’s editor, Nate Cosby, weighs in on the state of selling comics: This is the way it’s been; this is why the mainstream has been flooded by “important events” and why the events have become less memorable. Insanely powerful and downright dangerous on account of his unhinged mental state, the Sentry is often said to wield the power of a million exploding suns. Really does not make sense. During the War of the Realms, Thor sacrificed his eye to obtain the knowledge to defeat Malekith the Accursed, and was made All-Father of Asgard - the tale being recorded in a saga.At some point, Thor inherited the Power of the All-Father from … What kind of marketing was done to tell retailers that this is a book that should be “pushed” to new readers? Come to think of it, publisher’s can’t even maintain their regular readers and their regular readers buy anything. One. Now it’s canceled again? THOR — I never followed him much when I purchased comics. But a bookshelf has similar costs. Originally in “Siege,” Thor’s power was the decisive factor in putting down the Sentry, but in "What if?" That means it has to survive the DSM first and to stand a chance, has to try and appeal to that market first. Email. The book was not killed, it was drowned by all the other Thor one-shots, minis and tie-ins floosing the marketplace. About midway through the fight, the Hulk realizes the edge Mjonir gives Thor and tricks the God of Thunder into throwing his hammer away. In issue 4, all seems to be going well until the Red Skull mind-whammies Thor. As many people here have already stated, push the good books like you believe in them. This is great! The real Thor was a bit dead at the time, and when he returned and found out about Ragnarok's crimes, he was not at all happy. It also requires man-hours to stock and maintain. Bitter with the taste of defeat, they experimented on poor Simon Williams, turning him into Wonder Man. Jaded, decadent unable to feel or laugh. INDIE VIEW: The playful pathos of KUSAMA: THE GRAPHIC NOVEL, The Marvel Rundown: KING IN BLACK: IMMORTAL HULK rages through a…, Matt Chats: From MY LITTLE PONY to STRAY DOGS with Tony…, A month of Image teasers: "I'm a Superhero", 2011 Angoulême official selections announced, We were robbed: ANKA & ZDARSKY developed STAR-LORD love interest, A new America Chavez new solo series is back on Marvel’s schedule in March, BETA RAY BILL miniseries from Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer coming in 2021, http://www.theblabbingbaboon.com/?m=20101101, TAPAS series MAGICAL BOY will get graphic novel adaptation by SCHOLASTIC. I can’t keep the Marvel line-up straight any longer. Nobody believed in the show except Dish Network. In this instance, the venom symbiote tried to possess Spider-Man, but thanks to the Fantastic Four, they were able to get it off him. The kitten gif is painful … but it’s being swatted by another cat. Whatever little pockets may still exist, the grocery store spinner rack has disappeared from the isles. Design the system so it’s easy to use, and people will use it. Some might have seen it as a all-ages adventure title, but at its heart Thor:TMA was a romance book. How many millions of comics will be sold then? You have to get them in Wal-Mart. During the “Original Sin: Thor and Loki” storyline, Thor discovers he has a sister who had been kept secret from him. With it, he has been able to take on heroes like the Hulk with his bare hands, or with the aid of his enchanted hammer Mjolnir. Comic book shops are the next to last place I would ever look for a kid’s comic. The original Thor died. I don’t know if this book was 3.99 or not, but I may have had blinders on from the start. The industry needs to focus less on mass producing hot dogs and aim for more gourmet level quality product. It didn’t sell, because the editors behind the book thought it would be a good idea to do a visual re-design on the character. Retailers need to be warned that here is something SPECIAL that needs to be recommended to customers – particularly new customers and younger readers who want an entry into the character. Kids like the consistency of a series or at least for the format to look the same from book to book. The Thor that killed Goliath was a clone of the original Thor. It’s bases in part on sales, part on returns and in part on which magazine sales reps bust their humps to get the rack space. That’s what makes me think of the comic industry right now. It would be easier than keeping my sparse notes and putting the comic shop dude on the spot, that’s for sure. Would that be possible? And poor TTMA. Later, they have a rematch, with Thor explaining that while it’s true Angela beat him, she was only able to because he was exhausted from fighting and didn’t have his heart in the battle. Before he can deliver the final blow, Loki manipulates reality to the point where Thor loses all his powers. Now imagine a comics shop online that is just as easy to use as iTunes. I can’t wait to buy the trade though, it looks like fun. Marvel did not give anyone a reason to buy this book. Is it worth trying? Many times, whenever Thor experiences a loss, it’s because someone was able to outwit him or on account of superficial circumstances or his opponent was a tiny bit stronger than him. I think there is an Iron Man-centric one now. • If they were affordable. Eventually, he comes to see the error of his ways and becomes one of the greatest Avengers the world has ever known. The flood of “important event” comics certainly had an impact on TMA’s sales, but I think the primary culprit was Marvel’s glut of Thor titles. Draw two pages on a landscaped 11×17 board and push the product out there as a 96-page book for $7.99. Ghost Rider, otherwise known as the Spirit of Vengeance, is a being of frightening might. You have to get them on the grocery store magazine rack. I have heard of Chris Samnee (final Queen & Country arc) but I would not go out of my way to specifically pick up his work. Hodge-podge release schedules and pricing… well, yeah, but the entire industry has that problem. His children were all associated with strength and braveness, embodying their father’s featu… He was said to burst forth from his great hall in his chariot, drawn by two male goats – Tanngnjóstr (Tooth Gnasher) and Tanngrísnir (Snarl Tooth) – who could be killed and eaten by the god and then brought b… Or use an Android or Blackberry phone? Who will be killed off in Avengers: Endgame? Acclaimed though the series was, I’ve never felt an obligation to buy something because of critical acclaim. I’m pretty sure I just accurately described Marvel in the 90’s. One of the mightiest being in the Marvel Universe, at least when the writing and situation deems it so, Adam Warlock is crazy powerful, even when he's not rocking an infinity gem or in his role as the new Living Tribunal. It’s been the weekly mini-series, Marvel Adventures, Super Hero Squad… the stuff that’s fun and enticing and accessible, and which usually charts below 20K on the sales charts. And probably cut back on the comics as well, if they keep track of which titles are selling. I saw Roger Landridge’s name on the cover and said “Ooo. @Brett Later in “The Mighty Thor” #338, Odin pits Thor and Beta Ray Bill against one another to determine who should wield the hammer. Here’s the thing. I’m one of those all-ages book buyers who tends to steer clear of Events (after 25 years of reading, there’s little to surprise or shock me, so I go for storytelling that delights and inspires me instead), and I’ve never been under the illusion there were all that many like me. Odin intervenes and gifts Thor with armor imbued with the power of the Odinforce entrusted to the Kings of Asgard. The Red Hulk maintained a keen intellect, allowing him to strategize and make optimal use of his combat training from his human counterpart. That new Lightning Thief graphic novel was on the best sellers list. The problem lies clearly in the format and particularly in marketing, or lack of it. The new power takes over their minds as they go to extremes to champion their cause, including locking any heroes who oppose them in Limbo. I’m clean! He played the pet store clerk in the 2011 blockbuster movie "Thor." And this was the one that sounded interesting, but I just heard about it too late. Not only that, but something I’m hearing from more and more creators is the lack of promotional support their books get these days. So how do you provide accessible books? The symbiote quickly leaves a withered/drained Peter Parker and tries to bond with the Hulk. At one point there seemed to be a Spider-Man series and an X-Men series but the keep starting the numbering over every few months. Let us know in the comments! In the second arc, the team, with newcomers Hawkeye, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch now a part the team, must contend with Thor’s half-brother Loki. Can not tell you where in Allegany County NY you can go to find a spinner rack if! Suffer defeat on quite a few years later its on NBC primetime and selling DVD ’ s murder a... Answer, comic shop dude on the other Thor one-shots, minis and tie-ins floosing the marketplace that go... Last six years Hulk, General Thaddeus Ross to seek out a specialty shop for them poly-bagging... 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